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Baseline BRT Webinar

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In this City staff led webinar, you can learn about this important city-wide public transit project and its development. As this event is being hosted by Ward 8 Councillor Laine Johnson, please RSVP for this event on Councillor Johnson's website

Baseline Road is a major transportation corridor that facilitates movement of people and goods in east-west direction. Land use in the study area includes Bayshore Shopping Mall, Queensway-Carleton Hospital, Pinecrest Cemetery, Algonquin College, College Square, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Experimental Farms, Confederation Heights, Billings Bridge Plaza, schools, parks, retail centres, single unit residential homes, town houses and multi-storied apartment buildings.

Other arterials that intersect the proposed BRT corridor are Richmond Road, Greenbank Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Clyde Avenue, Merivale Road, Fisher Avenue, Prince of Wales Drive and Riverside Drive which accommodate substantial north-south travel demand throughout the day with high traffic volumes during peak periods.

Baseline Road is classified as an arterial four-lane roadway with a median that separates east and west traffic movements. City's Official Plan (OP) identifies protection of 44.5 m right-of-way along Baseline Road BRT corridor.

The proposed facility will:

  • Provide a quality transit service alternative for cross-town transit trips without the need to travel via downtown while connecting major transitway stations which includes Bayshore, Baseline, Confederation (Trillium Line) and Billings Bridge
  • Accommodate increasing travel demand across the City and help achieve modal share targets as set out in the TMP
  • Support City building objectives with respect to connecting significant employment, commercial and higher density residential land uses to the City's rapid transit network
  • Result in the expansion and improvement of the rapid transit network across the city
  • Provide infrastructure for pedestrian and cycling.

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